Money you saved in Quarantine.

- By Saurabh Parab It is possible to cut back While more than a third of Indians are worried about their finances as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, others have experienced a significant boost to savings. At the end of the day, it's all about the mentality. Whether you want to believe it or not, lockdown because of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to savings that are othe rwise not noticed by us. Inability to save, worries about economic conditions, and the struggle to pay household bills are the top concerns of Indian adults during the lockdown. But while many households are struggling, some have been able to save more than usual in recent months. Why? Perhaps because we’re spending less. Ahold on holidays and Movies. Unsurprisingly, spending on non-essential items fell as a result of government-imposed lockdown. So, Indirectly the government is giving us the people some guidance about money savings. Sarcasm!!!, Anyways Analysts suggests that a typical Indian hou...